Thursday, February 5, 2009

Paucity Consideration..

Is the natural resources available on Earth limited? Our Earth is (so called) a closed system. Certain resources when used up, will never be replace. There is solely one(unless you considered meteoroids and random "Brownian-tic rocks" that intrude our space) exogenous supplier to our closed system --- SUN, heat/light energy supplier. If the natural resources are used up, what is left for our future generations?

Have you ever consider the consequences of your conveniences?

The car that you drive?? The electricity that you used(or wasted)?

Is there a meaning to "night"? Is the darkness a sign for you to turn in early? Or are you suppose to use/waste the resources to "burn up" a night life? Does the vast piece of land give you the excuse to "feed" that piece of machine so as to move from point to point?

Our society(singular) seem to be constructed in a way to waste resources. Does this please your Creator?(This question may not be applicable to some..)

Then again, how are the natural resources created?

"What" create "what"? And "what" create the former "what"?